The programme consists of support sessions made up of online consultations (Zoom, Whats App video or Face-time) where we discuss your dog’s issues and Fern gives you practical solutions based on management and training.
The session is based on your responses to a questionnaire which gives us detailed information about your dog, allowing us to see the full picture of his/her home life and offer solutions that work for you and your family.
During the session, you and your trainer will do some practical work with your dog and your trainer will demonstrate Thinking-Dog teaching skills with their dogs. Your trainer will then give you practical training solutions to work on with your dog to help you overcome any issues raised in your questionnaire.
At the end of your session you will be sent relevant pdf booklets to help you with your dog’s issues. If you would like a tailored Behaviour Support Plan, there are a range of options available.
Initial Consultation (approx 90 mins).
Written Case Notes and Primary Strategies to help you reach your goals outlined in your Questionnaire.
Optional Behaviour Support Plan: Foundation: £45; Intermediate £65: Advanced £85.
Complimentary booklets in pdf form to help you with your dog’s specific issues.
Phone call follow-up 2 weeks after the initial consultation. Free 15 minute call (chargeable at £18.75 per quarter hour if 15 mins is exceeded).
WhatsApp message support throughout the duration of the programme (max 4 per week).
Optional individual follow-ups charged at £37.50 per half hour (£18.75 per quarter hour if half an hour is exceeded).
Videos of training games sent via WhatsApp.
Follow-up notes from your catch-up phone call 2 weeks after your first session and for your next online session.
Additional notes are available for any subsequent follow-up sessions at a cost of £35
Initial Consultation: £170 (then £21.25 per quarter hour if 90 minutes is exceeded).
Follow up online sessions: £37.50 for the first half hour. Added minutes are chargeable at £18.75 per quarter hour.
All sessions are payable within 24 hours of invoice by bank transfer
Additional Follow-up notes are charged at £35

Tia - South Yorkshire

Ellie - France

Grace - Dorset
Costas - Dorset

Ziggy - Northumbria